Fiberglass Reinforcement Mesh is an alkaline-resistant building material for EIFS mesh, stucco and plaster reinforcement as well as masonry wall reinforcement. Fiberglass EIFS mesh is supplied in rolls or tapes.
Common Specifications:
- Material: High-strength alkali resistent fiberglass mesh
- Mesh Pattern: Woven mesh
- Coating: Alkaline-resistant coating
- Mesh Size: 4x4 mm to 10x10 mm openings
- Weight: 45g to 160 grams per square meter
- Color: White,blue,green,etc.
- Exterior and Interior Plaster Reinforcement
- EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems)
- Tile and Stone Installation
- Masonry Wall Reinforcement
- Waterproofing (concrete swimming pool) construction
Fiberglass Mesh for EIFS Application
10oz alkaline resistant fiberglass mesh
20oz weight alkaline resistant fiberglass mesh
Roll size: 38" x 75'
Eifs mesh also in 48” rolls.
EIFS Stucco Fiberglass Mesh
EIFS Stucco Fiberglass Mesh
38-inches x 150-feet, 4.5-ounces
Color: White
Finish: Alkaline resistant
Fibreglass Mesh Reinforcement for Stucco

Fiberglass reinforcing mesh FB-6 coated
Specification: 45g fiberglass mesh
Coating: Alkaline resistant
Roll width 1m, 0.5m, 1.5m
Fiberglass Wall Plastering Mesh
Fiber reinforce mesh for building plaster
Fiber glass wall plastering mesh specification:
Mesh: 5mm x 5mm x 80grm thickness
Mesh Rolls: Width1 mtr x 50 mtr
Fiberglass Reinforcing Mesh for Porcelain Tile
Weight:160-165 gsm
Mesh: 5mm x 5mm mesh
Fiberglass Reinforcing Mesh can be used with Metal Lath to provide enhanced structural support in construction applications:
Exterior Stucco Systems:
- Base Layer with Metal Ribbed Lath: Metal lath is used as the primary reinforcement on exterior walls, providing a solid foundation for heavy stucco applications.
- Intermediate Layer with Fiberglass Mesh: Fiberglass reinforcement mesh is used over the base coat of stucco, helps prevent cracking and improves the adhesion of the final stucco coat.
EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems) Mesh:
- Structural Support with Metal Ribbed Lath: Metal ribbed lath is installed over the substrate to provide structural support and enhance the system's overall strength.
- Surface Reinforcement with Fiberglass Mesh: Fiberglass reinforcement mesh is embedded into the base coat of the EIFS. This layer adds flexibility and crack resistance, ensuring a smooth and durable finish.
Masonry Wall Reinforcement:
- Primary Reinforcement with Metal Ribbed Lath: Metal ribbed lath reinforce masonry walls, offering superior strength and stability.
- Secondary Reinforcement with Fiberglass Mesh: Fiberglass mesh is applied over the masonry surface before the final plaster or stucco coat, enhancing crack resistance and providing a smoother finish.
Fireproofing Applications:
- Structural Layer with Metal Ribbed Lath: Metal lath as the base layer for fireproofing materials, provides a solid foundation for fire-resistant coatings.
- Reinforcement Layer with Fiberglass Mesh: Fiberglass mesh is applied within the fireproofing material to enhance its integrity and performance, reducing the risk of cracking or delamination.